1. Dilarang
2. Dilarang
berpacaran di wilayah sekolah.
3. Dilarang
membawa obat – obatan terlarang.
4. Dilarang
membawa benda tajam.
5. Dilarang
mengancam guru.
6. Dilarang
membuang sampah sembarangan.
7. Dilarang
ramai saat pelajaran.
8. Dilarang
makan didalam kelas.
9. Dilarang
merusak fasilitas sekolah.
10. Dilarang
membawa HP.
11. Dilarang
12. Dilarang
13. Dilarang
mencoret – coret tembok.
14. Dilarang
memakai sepatu selain hitam.
15. Dilarang
pulang sebelum jam sekolah selesai.
16. Dilarang
berisik di dalam perpustakaan.
17. Saya
malu tidak mengerjakan tugas.
18. Saya
malu datang terlambat.
19. Saya
malu tidak mematuhi peraturan.
20. Disiplinlah
dalam segala hal.
bahasa inggris
1. Smoking is not allowed.
2. Banned dating in the school.
3. Prohibited from taking drugs - illegal drugs.
4. Prohibited from carrying sharp objects.
5. Prohibited threatening teachers.
6. Prohibited litter.
7. Prohibited crowded during the lesson.
8. Forbidden to eat in the classroom.
9. Prohibited damage school facilities.
10. Prohibited carry HP.
11. Prohibited fight.
12. Prohibited cheating.
13. Prohibited strike - on the walls.
14. Forbidden to wear shoes other than black.
15. Prohibited at home before school finished.
16. No-noise in the library.
17. I am not ashamed of doing their jobs.
18. I am ashamed to come late.
19. I am not ashamed to comply with regulations.
20. Discipline in all respects.
2. Banned dating in the school.
3. Prohibited from taking drugs - illegal drugs.
4. Prohibited from carrying sharp objects.
5. Prohibited threatening teachers.
6. Prohibited litter.
7. Prohibited crowded during the lesson.
8. Forbidden to eat in the classroom.
9. Prohibited damage school facilities.
10. Prohibited carry HP.
11. Prohibited fight.
12. Prohibited cheating.
13. Prohibited strike - on the walls.
14. Forbidden to wear shoes other than black.
15. Prohibited at home before school finished.
16. No-noise in the library.
17. I am not ashamed of doing their jobs.
18. I am ashamed to come late.
19. I am not ashamed to comply with regulations.
20. Discipline in all respects.